How to Design a Flyer for Your Business: 4 Important Tips

Flyers are one of the most tried-and-true marketing materials available. They are affordable to produce, great tools for targeting specific geographic areas, and easy to customize with special offers that encourage customers to take action.
Despite the effectiveness of flyers, it is important to heed basic guidelines when creating one. A poorly designed flyer is ignored more often than not, but a flyer that catches the reader's attention is a prized piece of your marketing mix. Capitalizing on the potential of your flyer is key, so here are four tips to get you started in the right direction:
1. Know Your Customer
Define your audience and create a flyer that will appeal to them. If you do not know who your audience is, you will have a hard time trying to make your flyer work. By having a targeted group of people in mind, your flyer will have a better chance of converting.
2. A Picture is Worth A Thousand
Often, the most effective way to catch someone's attention is with a picture, but not any picture will do. Choose an image aligned with your message and demographic when you design a flyer. Likewise, keep in mind one large image will have a bigger impact than several small ones, and don't forget to invest in high quality - a low-quality image will give a poor impression.
3. Write Smart
While your image is what will initially catch the reader's attention, the text is what will make them take action. Use a light, conversational tone in your copy, and pretend you are talking directly to the consumer. Keep in mind that less is more when it comes to the text on your flyer. Make sure all pertinent information is there, but don't go overboard. Finally, all flyers should contain a call to action - a statement telling your customer what you want them to do next. Make your call to action prominent and make it easy for customers to understand.
4. Offer an Incentive
Give customers an incentive to keep your flyer and you'll give your campaign more traction. By asking your customers to present the flyer in order to receive a special discount, you will increase the chances your flyer stays top-of-mind.